Premiere of the renewed Frog King

Performance The Frog King, a successful performance of Mini teater will be in season 2013/14 renewed in the direction of Robert Waltl and wuth the actor Tadej Pišek. This time in coproduction of Mini teater Ljubljana and SSG Trst.

This is a story about a Princess who lost her golden ball and a Frog who finds the ball in puddle and brings it back to the Princess. In return the Frog demands love. The story deals with the ever present making of compromise. The message is dedicated to all young princesses. It points out the possibility of looking at things from different points of view: Things that at first sight may seem ugly usually need some patience for us to discover that they are actually beautiful.

The performance was created in co-operation with aknowledged Bulgarian puppet artists: the director Slavčo Malenov (known to our young audience for his performances Caliph Stork, Lion With No Tail, Little One, Mini Circus) is a graduate in puppet directing of the Bulgarian State Academy of Film and Theatre Art; later he specialised at the International Puppet Institute Charleville-Mezieres in France. He works with a number of puppet theatres in Bulgaria and abroad. Since 1993 he has been teaching at the above State Academy. The puppets in this performance were painted by Silva Bačvarova, a graduate in set design of the State Academy of Plastic Art. She worked at the Plovdiv national puppet theatre; at present she is employed as a set designer at the theatre Atelie 313, and she works as a teacher at the State Academy of Theatre and Film Art in Sofia. Art design is signed by Vasill Rokomanov, also a graduate in set design of the above State Academy. He worked as a designer at the Magazine Society and Law, since 2002 he has been employed as a set designer at Atelier 313, and as a teacher for set design at the State Academy of Theatre and Film Art in Sofia. As a set designer he works with numerous theatres and puppet theatres.

After J. and W Grimm: Vesselin Boidev

The Frog King

Viktorija Menkadžijeva

Set and puppet design:
Vasill Rokomanov

Puppets painted by:
Silva Bačvarova

Vladimir Džambazov

Performance renewal in the season 2013/14:

Robert Waltl

Tadej Pišek

Mini teater
SSG Trst

Premiere of the renewed performance:
18th January 2014

Duration: 40 minutes

Puppet performance for children from 3 y/o

The show is especially recommended for kindergartens and lower primary school.

Original performance from 2001:

Slavčo Malenov

Robert Waltl


19. dec
OŠ Koseze