Director and author of dramatization:
Primož Ekart

Nik Škrlec

Simona Hamer

Language consultant:
Maja Cerar

Damir Leventić

Costum design:
Belinda Radulović

Light design:
Andrej Hajdinjak

Music selection:
Darja Hlavka Godina

Assistant director:
Katarina Krapež

Dramaturgy assistant :
Helena Fašalek


Mini teater

3rd and 4th February 2016

»I am a clown. And I collect moments.«

About the performance

When Heinrich Böll leta 1963, then the Nobel Laureate to be, in 1963 published The Clown the shameless point of Hansa Schnier's confrontation stirred up much noise; the artistic mirror that was held in front of the German economic, political and religious elite, reflected hands tainted with the 2 WW blood that wouldn't stop grabbing. The same mechanism is explained also by Janis Varufakis, Greek economist and intellectual, in bestseller The Global Minotaur (America, Europe and the Future of the Global Economy) published in 2011. In his critical analysis of the recent financial events he establishes why the world has found itself in the middle of a chronic insecurity and permanent crisis.

The performance Powelessness stems from the intersection of both: powerlessness as a fundamental feeling of each individual that is trying to keep his head above all the economic, political and personal crisis. If The Clown is about the intimate powerlessness of the main character, Vakurafis bolsters this feeling and spreads it to the sphere of society that doesn't know how and can't find an appropriate answer to the break of the economic paradigms and is thus experiencing global powerlessness.

About the authors

Heinrich Böll (1917-1985) was one of the most well known German writers post WWII. Much of his work is influenced by his hometown of Cologne and its Roman Catholic beliefs juxtaposed with its dark sense of humor. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972.

Yanis Varufakis (1961) is a Greek economist, academic and politician, who served as the Greek Minister of Finance from January to July 2015, when he resigned. Varoufakis is the author of several books on the European debt crisis, the financial imbalance in the world and game theory. He is also a recognised speaker and often appears as an analyst for national news media.