20. jun
Križevniška 1
Text after J. and W. Grimm: Jan Grabowski and Nina Skrbinšek
Puppet performance
Performance as part of the Križevniška Neighbour Day 2024

For additional information we are looking forward to your call from Monday to Friday between 10am and 3pm on +386 1 425 60 60 or +386 41 314 414 or send us an e-mail to info@mini-teater.si

Mini teater abroad

12. jun
Kongresni trg
Text after J. and W. Grimm: Jan Grabowski and Nina Skrbinšek
Puppet performance
19. jun
Kongresni trg
After J. and W Grimm: Vesselin Boidev
Puppet performance
19. jun
Kosovelov dom Sežana
Ivor Martinić
Puppet performance
5. oct
SNG Nova Gorica
Svetlana Makarovič
Puppet performance
5. oct
SNG Nova Gorica
Svetlana Makarovič
Puppet performance
15. feb
SNG Nova Gorica
Ivor Martinić
Puppet performance

Selection of reviews:


»The Ljubljana theatre Mini teater prepared – for children of all ages to enjoy and to kindly learn an unobtrusive lesson - a fresh and very imaginative modern stage adaptation of the popular and always actual Andersen's fairytale The Ugly Duckling. The text was translated by Silvana Orel Kos, the language supervision was performed by Mateja Dermelj. It was put on a visually abstract and universal set by the director Robert Waltl...

The director Waltl decided to assign the crucial tasks in his demanding staging plan to three students of the third year of the Ljubljana Drama Academy (AGRFT): Nika Rozman, Peter Harl and Anže Zevnik. Their disciplined and trustworthy acting of different roles from the animal (and the human) world, their exemplary language of body talk and animation, and their accurate execution of numerous set changes provided the audience with a relaxed and vibrant performance of the universally meaningful Andersen's fairytale.« 

Delo, 22.4.2008, Iz racaka labod / From a Duck to a Swan, Slavko Pezdir


»In Mini teater on Ljubljana Castle: a surprisingly original and established staging of The Ugly Duckling. The theatre Mini teater deserves to be praised for putting on stage, by principle, classical fairytales for younger audience, as this is the third time in this gradually closing theatre season 2007/2008. As their fifth and last opening night from their announced programme for children and youth they presented the staging of the famous Ugly Duckling on April 18th.  This is aclassical fairytale creation written by the great Hans Christian Andersen, yet the director Robert Waltl (also manager and art director of Mini teater) created a staging that was surprisingly original and imaginative. The staging followed the translation performed by Silvana Orel Kos, and it was based on a visual design created by Ben Cain and Tina Gverović, mostly amidst a framework of some big cube with no sides – with 'linen' roller blinds and screens instead, functioning mainly as projection screens for symbolically stylized video projections or meant just for hiding and disclosing, and consequently emphasizing certain parts of the scene. Yet even more than this (including the witty songs written by Andrej Rozman Roza on a felicitous music written by Tamara Obrovac), the very staging itself provides us with great enthusiasm. Waltl staged the performance with three talented students from 3rd grade of the Ljubljana Drama Academy (AGRFT): Nika Rozman, Peter Harl and Anže Zevnik. They deserve to be called exceptionally talented already due to the fact that Waltl provided them with no help in the form of attractive puppets that often offer the possibility to bluff through a scene. Perhaps the imaginatively stylized costumes served as a very mild help – for example, the caps in the shape of egg shells, created by the experienced costume designer Ana Savić-Gecan.  This acting trio - beside everything they are also well-trained - performs the play actually with no puppets in the classical sense, or by means of the most classical, most original and most true manual puppets –the 'bare' hands of the performers! The most important issues here are: imagination and with it an extreme accuracy in movement (animation actually!) of  hands, as well as of their whole bodies to provide the audience with a convincingly vivid story of The Ugly Duckling. In short, even if the story is staged with no so called classical puppets, this is undoubtedly one of the strongest puppet performances, enthusiastically marked with manual (and corporal) puppetry skill.«

Večer, 22.5.2008, Prava ročna (in telesna) lutkovnost /True manual (and corporal) puppetry skill, Uroš Smasek