21st - 28th March 2019

The Festival of Tolerance March 2019 offers to the audience of all ages a visual panorama that spans worlds, decades and current controversies. The films of this year´s Festival will show colorful images of exceptional human experiences , provoke discussions about migration, gender and prejudice in our and other societies worldwide.

Above all the Festival asks: Can we ignore history? And what does history mean? It can be remembrance, it can be ignorance but history can also teach and entertain. Exciting and original films about personal and individual experiences of women, men and children can help us to learn and above all to understand today´s challenges. Young filmmakers from Europe, the Americas and Israel shed new light on their lives, on the generations before us, tell stories that have never been told this way. The 2019 choice of outstanding films is not just about unique stories, emotional conflicts, love and desire but also about acceptance of cultural, ethnic, religious and sexual identities and what we call individual responsibility.

Just to name a few highlights: DISOBEDIENCE with Rachel Weisz, the controversial PARADA, the new Russian masterpiece ANNA´S WAR, the internationally acclaimed Argentine film THE LAST SUIT, Austria´s MURER-ANATOMY OF A TRIAL, the Polish-German-Israeli coproduction IGOR -THE CRANE`S JOURNEY, the Italian-Slovenian documentary about five women in TRIESTE, the feature VILLA EMMA about the flight and rescue of children persecuted by the Nazis that was also filmed in Ljubljana and the amazing movie about the Hollywood star Hedy Lamarr who fled Austria to become a symbol for beauty and at the same time developed the modern technology that made wireless communication and the cellphone possible.

The focus on new Israeli films will add to the colorful visual worlds that can be watched at the Mini Teater, the venure of the Festival. Among them the new film by the renowned director Avi Nesher THE OTHER STORY and the feminist-religious comedy THROUGH THE WALL.

This year´s Festival will continue the successful tradition of Educational Mornings for pupils of all age groups, students teachers and parents. These events will have full length features and documentaries, a play for kids and include an exhibition about the border between Slovenia and the Nazi Reich, about resistance and solidarity.

Concerts, panel discussion, lectures and prominent guests will enrich the encounter with the audience.  This year´s special event is taking place on the pre-Festival evening which is the Jewish Holiday Purim. Two famous musicians from New York will accompany the newly restored silent film THE ANCIENT LAW that deals beautifully with tradition and modernity, with love and above with all the performing arts. 



Mini teater




Special thanks to:

Denise Benmosche

Mirko Ilić Corp.



Sinagoga Maribor


Fundacija Sonda






Ministrstvo za kulturo


Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve


MOL-oddelek za kulturo


Avstrijski kulturni forum


Italijanski inštitut za kulturo v Sloveniji


Ruski center znanosti in kulture




Antiq Palace Hotel & Spa Ljubljana

Hoteli Union


Moj kino




Elektro Ljubljana













Media partners:

Radio Študent




Tam tam