Premiere of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (26th September 2022 at Mini teater)

On Sunday, 26 September, the premiere of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee, directed by Ivica Buljan (assisted by Peter Srpčič) and performed by Nataša Brabare Gračner, Branko Šturbe, Benjamin Krnetić and Klare Kuk, was held at the Mini teater in a co-production with the Ptuj City Theatre. The dramaturgy of the performance was provided by Diana Koloini and assistant Manca Majeršič Sevšek, while the visual design was created by set designer Aleksandar Denić, costume designer Ana Savić Gecan and lighting and video designers Sonda 13 and Toni Soprano Meneglejte. The premiere received a roaring ovation and many positive reviews.

Congratulations to the whole team.

Edward Albee

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Zdravko Duša

Ivica Buljan

Nataša Barbara Gračner: Martha
Branko Šturbej: George
Benjamin Krnetić: Nick
Klara Kuk: Honey

Diana Koloini

Stage designer:
Aleksandar Denić

Costume designer:
Ana Savić Gecan

Music selection:
Benjamin Krnetić

Light and video design:
Sonda 13
Toni Soprano Meneglejte

Language consultants:
Jože Faganel
Simon Šerbinek

Assistant director:
Peter Srpčič

Dramaturgy assistant:
Manca Majeršič Sevšek

Make-up and hair:
Mirela Brkić

Executive producer:
Branislav Cerović

Mini teater
Mestno gledališče Ptuj

Mercator d.o.o.

September 3rd 2022 - Mini teater
September 11th 2022 - MG Ptuj

Duration: 120 min

19. jan
PG Kranj
26. jan
KD Cerknica