A succesful year 2022 in Mini teater

The year 2022 was a very successful, productive and creative one for Mini teater. We premiered seven new plays: Shopping and Fucking, Seven Seconds Eternity, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Amsterdam, Norma Jeane Baker of Troy, The Diary of Anne Frank and Tim the Tailor. In addition to the premieres, we performed 162 performances, including 25 national and 5 international tours. Last year, more than 15,800 people attended our performances.

Actresses Nataša Barbara Gračner and Lina Akif received awards at the 57th Maribor Theatre Festival Borštnikovo srečanje 2022 for their roles in the performance Birds of a Kind, directed by Ivica Buljan and co-produced by Mini teater, Ljubljana Festival and Ptuj City Theatre. Mini teater's director Robert Waltl received two prestigious awards for his work last year: the Order of the Knighthood of Arts and Letters of the Government of the Republic of France and the Order of Merit of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, for his outstanding contribution to Holocaust remembrance and awareness-raising and the importance of tolerance, as well as for his long-standing work in the field of theatre arts.