Premiere of the puppet performance A Visit to the Sun

On 25th May, the Mini teater premiered the puppet show A Visit to the Sun by Polish author Marcin Marzec, who wrote the text, composed the music and directed the play.

The idea for the show came to the author in Lviv, Ukraine, where he asked the artist Elvira Bosovych, who designed the puppets, set and costumes for the fun and visually very attractive puppet show, to send him some fairy tales that are popular in her country and have a travel theme. One of the fairy tales was A Visit to the Sun. According to the author, the most important thing in this story is the theme of the road, travelling, overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. Belief in success and perseverance. The play is acted and animated by two excellent Slovenian actors, Voranc Boh and Robert Korošec. Translation of the text was prepared by Tina Podržaj.

Marcin Marzec

A Visit to the Sun

Text, music, direction:
Marcin Marzec

Tina Podržaj

Stage, puppets, costumes:
Elvira Bosovych

Voranc Boh
Robert Korošec

Executive producer:
Branislav Cerović

General sponsor:
Mercator d.o.o.

May 25th 2023

Duration: 35 min

Puppet performance for children from 3 y/o.