Invitation to young authors to participate in the Mini teater programme in 2024

Mini teater will support "2 Productions by 2 Young Authors" in 2024, which consists of a production by a particular young author (not exceeding the age of 30 in 2024) with the status of a self-employed cultural worker in the field of performing arts, under the mentorship and with the organisational/production support of Mini teater, with a clear artistic concept of the young author.

It will be carried out in 2024 and includes all the activities of the young author that are necessary for its realisation.

We are interested in contemporary drama based on a textual proposition.

Mini teater offers:
- a rehearsal space for rehearsals at agreed dates and a performance venue;
- Mini teater's technical equipment;
- participation of the agreed technical staff of the Mini teater in the set-up of the performance, lighting and sound design of the project
- promotion and marketing of the project;
- in addition to the technical implementation and promotional activities, Mini teater provides the financing of the project, the amount of which depends on the organisational and financial structure.

Invitation includes projects for adults as well as children and young people.

There are no set themes, so we invite a wide range of artists to take part.

We will select 2 projects.

Please send your applications with a clear concept to by 1st September 2023!