Nedelja, 9. avgust 2009- Nori klobuk, lutkovna predstava za otroke, starejše od 3 let /



11.00 in 18.30, Marionetas en Libertad, Vernix, Francija / France

NORI KLOBUK, lutkovna predstava za otroke, starejše od 3 let /

CHAPEAU LOCO / CRAZY HAT, puppet performance for children from 3 years up

besedilo, režija in likovna zasnova / text, directing, and visual design: Martin Ahrens, glasba / music: Ricardo Collado & Bubu Bricole, igrajo / actors: Martin Ahrens, Florence Ahrens, Gael Ahrens, trajanje / duration: 50 min, vrsta lutk: vrvične lutke / type of puppets: string puppets


Ploplo je potujoči prodajalec klobukov, ki živi v čudnem stroju. Ta je hkrati njegov dom, pa tudi njegova tovarna in potujoča prodajalna. Stroj je precej podoben lastniku: fantastičen, zloben, obdarjen z bogato domišljijo. Danes je stroj odločen, da bo Ploplu nekaj ušpičil. Nekaj nastavitev, kak premik ročice ... in že iz stroja skačejo turbani, širokokrajni klobuki, cilindri in vojaške čepice. Vsakič, ko Ploplo pomeri kak klobuk, se zgodi čarovnija. Fantastični liki lezejo iz stroja in zapletajo Plopla v čudne pustolovščine. Le trk po lesu reši Plopla te čarovnije. Plesalci tanga ali celo animirana Aladinova svetilka nas popeljejo v različne komične ali surealistične svetove. Na koncu Ploplu le uspe spet pridobiti svoj melona-klobuk, najde pa tudi Ploplita, svojega malega klona. Skupaj izvedeta 'najslavnejši čarobni šov', smešno in poetično predstavo. Ko stroj izgubi potrpljenje in se odloči, da bo odslej deloval po svoje, se Ploplu porodi čudovita ideja, ki ga bo morda rešila potegavščin nagajivega stroja.

Ploplo, a vagabond seller of hats, lives in his machine. Beside being his home the machine is also his hat factory and his travelling store. It resembles very much to its owner: fantastic, malicious, gifted with overflowing imagination. Today it is determined to play some dirty tricks on Ploplo. Two or three regulations, a turn of a crank… then turbans, wide-brim hats, top hats and military caps spring in turn out its entrails. Each time Ploplo tries a hat on, the magic appears. Fantastic characters emerge from the machine involving Ploplo in strange adventures. Only the touching of wood gets Ploplo out of this magic. So, tango dancers or even an animated Aladdin lamp take us into different comic and often surrealist universes. Eventually, Ploplo manages to retrieve his bowler hat and finds Ploplito, a small clone of himself. Together they perform their "most famous magical show" a funny and poetic performance. When the machine loses patience and decides to move off by itself, Ploplo has a wonderful idea that might rescue him from the tricks played by his machine.